Lost Generations

I graduated into the Great Recession

It got better a few years later

My life didn’t

People younger than me have more

Earn more

Do more

People see the gaps in my resume

and they think I’m suspect

They’ve forgotten

It’s nice to forget the past

I’d like to forget it, too

But the past is also my present

So I bear the memories

Like a pariah

Silenced by the clamor

of other people’s success.


I am trying to connect with you

My brain to your brain

Each packed separately

Within walls of bone

I’m using words

The only way to get them to you

is by the opening of your eyes.

Please open them, now

your mind, too

if it’s not too much trouble.

I will open my heart in return

as well as I can.

Let these words build a bridge

between you and me

across space

and the vast gulf of our differences.